Back massages feel good and soothe away tiredness and any body aches. After a long day at work at the office or doing manual labor, a back massage does wonders. Massage has a long history and is full of benefits, other than the feel-good factor.
There are many types of back massage, some of which can be done at home while others should be left to professional therapists.
- Therapeutic massage: This type of massage targets an area of your back to relieve pain and discomfort.
- Deep tissue massage: This type of massage requires a trained professional. With this technique a lot of force is used to reach connective tissues and muscles on a deeper level than other massage types.
- Swedish massage: This is a gentler form of massage than the deep tissue massage. It uses long, circular movements similar to kneading, and vibration and tapping.
- Sports massage: A sports massage is for athletes. It helps in both preventing injury and helping an athlete with an injury to heal faster.
- Shiatsu massage: This is a Japanese massage which is performed rhythmically putting pressure all over your body. Its sole intention is to stimulate your body into healing itself.
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